Notts Cuts Watch bulletins nos. 1, 2 & 3 [plus ‘Can’t Cut This’ video]

Notts Cuts Watch highlights local press coverage about cuts in Nottingham and Nottinghamshire …

Bulletin no.3:

Bulletin no.2:

Bulletin no.1:

See also: Can’t Cut This campaign song – against cuts to a London Arts College.

3 responses to “Notts Cuts Watch bulletins nos. 1, 2 & 3 [plus ‘Can’t Cut This’ video]

  1. Ross Longhurst


    At the meeting of Notts Save Our Services on 25th. October there was some discussion as to whether or not Labour Party MPs and councillors should be allowed to speak at occasions organized by NSOS. It was only members of the Socialist Workers Party (SWP) who spoke in favour of allowing such people to participate. The SWP has a history of cosying up to the Labour Party and this tendency shows no signs of diminishing.

    The fact of the matter is that the Labour leaders fawned at the feet of the investment bankers – “wealth creators” as Gordon Brown called these parasites – who brought about the financial crisis. Labour Governments’ “light touch” financial regulation meant that the bankers were unrestrained in their wild speculations. Labour are at least partly responsible for the present financial difficulties.

    When Labour MP’s Vernon Coaker and Lillian Greenwood spoke at the meeting organized by the Trades Council they damned themselves out of their own mouths. They made it clear that they are opposed to any effective action by Labour councillors to fight the cuts. Councillor Alan Rhodes, leader of the Labour Group on Notts County Council, claims to be opposed to the cuts but if they were in control of Notts County Council they would be implementing the cuts just as enthusiastically as their Labour colleagues on Nottingham City Council. Labour Party policy is to implement drastic cuts in public spending but not quite so fast as the Coalition Government.

    It would completely discredit our campaign if Labour MP’s and councillors were to be allowed to speak on our platform. They would only be there to try to drum up a few votes for themselves. Only Labour councillors on Labour-controlled local authorities who have publicly committed themselves to opposing and voting against the cuts should be permitted to participate in Notts SOS events.

    Ross Longhurst

  2. great to read this from the most dedicated stalinist-maoist in Nottingham,
    with no irony whatsoever, wowzer.
    May the man of iron bless you himself,
    without you telling us mere mortals we wouldnt have realised what politicians & capitalism can be the like.
    What would Maggie do without you& vice versa?,
    thank goodness your a vast minority at demonstrations& in society.

    The Kaiser might of given
    Vladimir Ulyanov a train full of gold to takeover the Russian revolution in return for half of the Russian empire, but at least the SWP dont usually thrive on blood& BS.

  3. I think Jazzputin’s comment is amusing but too personal. Ross Longhurst’s post makes some really good points. Even if it didn’t, have some manners please.